Wednesday 8 May 2024

Canberra Trip!

Hey Guys,

Just a quick update as we don't have any more rooms planned until the King's Birthday weekend! Unless, of course, something spur of the moment pops up ;)

We're very excited, however, to finally announce that all four of us have booked and locked in a trip to Canberra for that weekend. Our journey begins on Friday, where we'll be traveling for a good part of the day. Our first and only room that night will be at Escape Rooms Canberra: House on the Hill.

On Saturday, we'll be venturing to Riddle Room, who have generously offered us a nice package deal as we take on four out of five of their rooms in one day. We'll start with The Nightmare and The Dungeon before lunch, then tackle The Hideaway and The Hotel in the afternoon.

Our last day before returning home will see us up and at them early, as we take on The Vault and Curio at Escape Rooms Canberra, completing the trio of rooms they have to offer. We might try to squeeze in a quick lunch break before heading back to Riddle Room for the final room of our trip, The Mine. From there, we begin our journey home!

Needless to say, we're beyond excited for this trip, as it's something we've discussed at length but never really put into action until now. Unfortunately, we won't have time to visit Revelation Puzzle Rooms on this trip, but hopefully, we'll be able to make a return trip in the future to experience the beautiful rooms they have to offer.

As always, I'll do my best to keep this blog updated as we progress through the rooms. Until the next post!

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